There were a couple of technical difficulties with this stream! Hopefully fixed for next Sunday!

Welcome & Announcements.

*The Lord’s Greeting and Call to Worship: “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins to deliver us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.” (Galatians 1:3-5)
* Psalm: 24B The Earth and Its Riches
* Prayer
* Hymn: 220 Give Praise to God

The Lord’s Word
New Testament Reading: Luke 10:25-28

Our Response
Confessing our Sins:
Heavenly Father, we confess that we deserve you to withdraw your Word from us. We know that you withdraw blessings that have been despised, and we have not hallowed your Word as befits the righteous. As Amos threatened, we deserve a famine of the hearing of the Word of the Lord. We have been inattentive to your Word, even though it is a light unto our path, even though it revives our souls and enlightens our eyes, even though it rejoices our hearts. We have found serious consideration of your word difficult, and have run from your statutes as they reveal our faults. We have not meditated on your law day and night, as the Psalmist exhorts. Even when we have heard your Word, too often it has not taken root. James’s warning is true of us: we fail to be doers of your Word, but are hearers only. We plead that you would be merciful to us through Jesus Christ. Your promises give us confidence even as our hearts condemn us, for we know you have promised we will never hunger nor thirst, for Christ is our bread of life and living water. We will never wander searching for you, our God, for your Spirit dwells in us and will never depart from us. We thank you for your mercy and mourn for our sins, longing for transformation, praying to the Father, in the Son, by the Spirit, Amen. (Based on Amos 8:11-14)

The Lord’s Love and Grace
Assurance of Pardon: Romans 4:20-25

Our Response
* Hymn: 459 My Hope is Built on Nothing Less
* Corporate Confession of Faith: Heidelberg Catechism Q&A 88-90 (TPH p. 888)
Pastoral Prayer

The Lord’s Word
* Scripture Reading: Song of Solomon 8:5-14
Sermon: “Love Stronger than Death”

The Lord’s Supper
The inner rings contain grape juice & the outer rings contain wine.
While the bread is being passed, we will sing: 363 Jesus Christ is Risen Today
While the cup is being passed, we will sing: 470 When This Passing World is Done

Our Response
*Hymn: 216 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (stanza 1)

The Lord’s Blessing