Join me as we continue our series, SPIRIT-LED! Do you feel driven by drama in your life? In the story of Samson, we see how even though it might feel like our drama is driving us - God is driving our drama! God is behind every scene, every circumstance, every small victory, and He’s pulling it all together to write a better ending than you ever could on your own. Accept your part in His story, cooperate with His plans, let the Spirit of God be the one who drives you!


Reflection Questions
1. Samson is one of the biggest Jesus-level threats in the Old Testament. Why do you think Samson rejects his calling to be a judge?
2. Have you ever looked back on a personal struggle and wondered, “How did I get through that?” Did God give you the strength you needed? How?
3. What personal drama is there in your life that’s making it difficult to see yourself as an important part of God’s story?
4. How different would your day-to-day life be if you believed that every situation in your life was a scene in God’s great salvation story?
5. How can you be a hero for God’s kingdom in a COVID-19 world?

Jamestown Christian Reformed Church
Jamestown, MI

Cylinder Two by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (