Sermon Text: Daniel 11 : 31-12 : 13
It is often said that history is "written by the victors." However, this week we review a passage from the book of Daniel that comes from the perspective of those who have been conquered. Despite descriptions of the desolation of the Temple and battles among kings who think of themselves greater than God, there is a promise that God's people would be restored. He is able to remove all abominations that separate us from Him, and still works to redeem conquered, broken, and defeated people.

You may download an audio version of this sermon at the following link:

00:00:00 - Prelude
00:00:51 - Welcome & Announcements
00:01:35 - Call to Worship - Psalm 42 : 1-4
00:02:42 - Worship Set - "Come, Now Is the Time to Worship"/"Come Thou Fount, Come Thou King"/"In Christ Alone"
00:13:19 - Invocation
00:15:13 - Offering & Doxology
00:17:14 - Scripture Lesson - Revelation 21 : 9-14, 22-27
00:19:28 - Scripture Lesson - Matthew 24 : 15 - 27
00:21:02 - Hymn - "Be Still, My Soul"
00:24:13 - Sermon - "Stories that Shape Us: The Abomination" - Daniel 11 : 36-12 : 13
00:59:46 - Prayer & Lord's Prayer
01:02:29 - Holy Communion
01:07:56 - Hymn - "How Firm a Foundation"
01:11:23 - Benediction
01:11:32 - End Of Service Message

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Christian Copyright License: CCLI 1399240
Church Streaming & Podcast License: CSPL055347

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