Welcome! Our service will 'go live' at 10.30am, and there will be a 5 mins countdown beforehand so you know when we're about to start [edited to 2 mins countdown for uploaded version afterwards].

If you would like to get in touch with us, please do via the following details:

W: www.westcliffbaptistchurch.org.uk
E: office@westcliffbaptistchurch.org.uk
T: 01202 767070

Service Songs:
Music taken from iSingWorship - all rights reserved
Used with Permission - https://www.isingworship.org/

CCLI Streaming License - CCLI License No: 1272214

"Nothing but the blood"
Public Domain
CCLI No: 21332

"See what a morning"
Authors: Keith Getty, Stuart Townend
Copyright: 2003 Thankyou Music
CCLI No: 4108797

"Breathe on me, breath of God"
Public Domain
CCLI No: 99481

Intro & Outro Music:
Optimistic Corporate
Exzel Music Publishing (freemusicpublicdomain.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0