Tonight we’re studying John 8: 12-24

Pastor Greg Diamanti

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JOHN CHAPTER 8 (continued):

Verses 12-24…… Jesus confronts the Pharisees with the truth of God.
Verse 12……. Jesus proclaims He is the light of the world.
Luke 2:25-33……. John 1:4-5…. John 1:9….. John 12:46
Verse 13….. The Pharisees tell Jesus his record is not true!
2nd Corinthians 4:1-6Psalm 27:1... Psalm 36:9... Colossians 1:12-13
Verse 14….. Jesus rebukes the Pharisees and tells them they do not know where He came from and where He is going.
1st Corinthians 2:14….. Luke 10:21-24
Verse 15... Jesus corrects the Pharisees because they judge incorrectly
1st Samuel 16:7….. Matthew 7:1-5….. Matthew 7:24…..
1st Corinthians 4:3-5
Verses 16-18….. Jesus reminds the Pharisees that His Father bears witness of Him.
Deuteronomy 19:15…. Matthew 3:16-17….. 2nd Peter 1:16-18                                                                           
        Verses 19-23…… Jesus speaks to the Pharisees telling them that they do not know the Father….and that He is from above, and they are from beneath!
John 14:7-11…… 1st John 4:5-6
Verse 24….. Jesus tells the Pharisees they will die in their sins if they do not believe in Him.
Mark 8:38…… John 3:36….. Acts 4:12…… Romans 6:23