International Sunday School Lesson - Sunday School in 7minutes

The apostle Paul was dedicated to persecuting the early disciples of Jesus until his conversion  on the road from Jerusalem to Damascus.
The 2nd epistle to the church at Corinth is attributed to Paul the Apostle and a co-author named Timothy.
Paul visits Corinth 3 times spending about 18 months there on his 1st visit (Acts 18:11).

In this lesson Paul is tell the Christian at Corinth about a planed 3rd Visit.
(2 Cor 12:14, 2 Cor 13:1).

The church at Corinth included some ethnic Jews (1Cor 7:18-19), but was largely composed of Gentile converts (1Cor 6:9-11, 1Cor 8:7, 1Cor 12:2

The majority of church members were socially humble 1Cor 1:26. but there was socio-economic diversity in the congregation.

Bible scholars differ on the exact meaning of Paul’s references to witnesses in vs 1. But It is clear that Paul takes his authority and responsibility as a servant-leaders seriously.   

Paul reminds them of how to prove a point based Jewish legal procedure. However, it appears that it is established that Corinthian Chuch member were continuing to engage in the same actions he had warned against twice before. This is why Paul is a little frustrated and chastising.

Paul founded this Church. The new church was challenged by diversity
religious ,
And socio-economic differences that were all compounded by false teaching that divided the people. Today church still struggle with difference that separate God’s people.

Paul reminds the church that on his second visit he warned that the members to depart from their old ways repeating the same sin over and over.

Like a frustrated father Paul warn that when he arrive for the 3rd visit, if the Church members continues on the same path with the same sinful issues, they will see the power of God.

Paul then warns that for those that doubted his conversion and authority saying those who demand proof that Christ speaks through him will get more than they expect. 

Paul does not want these church members to be misled. Thinking Jesus Christ was weak in the flesh and now that he was crucified he can do nothing for them.

Paul stress that Christ’s death was voluntary. Jesus, though weak in the flesh obediently humbled himself for crucifixion but Jesus is alive now—in the mighty power of God.

Paul say to the Corinth christians that he was obedient to Christ submitting himself and by doing that the power of God lived in Paul. In fact Through our submission to Christ, through the values and word of God we are made stronger people able to withstand the challenges of the world.

Paul realizes then and now that the world will test Christians so he stress to the church Test yourselves to make sure you are solid in the faith.

Pauls tell this church, young in Christ to prepare and challenge themselves. He wants them to know that Christ is in them if they have faith. The Christians walk means that we will face the challenge to let our daily live be governed by our faith in Christ.
Paul says to christian we do not grow from hearing about other’s experiences, we grow from our own experiences. As the teacher Paul say that these Christians are ready for the test and he hopes that they will be able to meet the challenges of life.

Pauls is a servant leader more concerned about his followers than himself. Unlike leaders today, as a servant leader Paul’s selfless desire is that these christian withstand temptation and do the right thing no because he is so qualified but rather because it is the honorable thing to do in christ.

Even if Pauls appears weak as a leader because he is not directing their steps, Selflessly Paul says. That he happy when from within the strength of God guides these new christians to be mature in christ.

Again like a father Pauls say the tone of this epistle is to warn you so that he can use his time to strengthen rather than scold and punish. The quest this week is are we able to stand the test and lead other to christ