Hello Sunday school teachers, preachers, and students! Welcome to SundaySchoolPreacher.com. In this week’s lesson Jesus instructs us on piety that honors God. This God honoring piety begins with instruction on how to do good deeds. Then Jesus switches to where to pray, how to pray, and how not to pray. All of this is a part of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Jesus has been baptized by John the Baptist, he has endured forty days and forty nights of fasting in the dessert followed by temptation from the satan. He has begun his ministry in Galilee, called his first disciples, and ministered to the crowds before he begins his first major discourse - the Sermon on the Mount. In this week’s text Jesus instructs us to do our good deeds, to give our alms, and to pray our prayers in ways that won’t draw attention to ourselves. When it’s all about us, when it’s all about drawing attention to ourselves, it’s not about the will of God for our lives. And it's not about the others that Jesus sacrificed his life for. Additionally, in this week’s text we begin to see a bit of the antagonism The Gospel of Matthew contains toward the synagogue. This antagonism is a result of the division between what I call the old school traditional Jews (who reject Jesus) and these new Jewish Christians who believe Jesus is the Messiah. Matthew does not offer a friendly glowing depiction of the synagogue. In this week’s text, as Matthew writes to the Jewish-Christian community he recalls the words of Jesus from decades earlier and his focus is God honoring Piety.
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