From James 3:1-12, Pastor Chad speaks on 10 Reasons to Tame the Tongue so that we can be the holy people God commands us to be: 1. The unrighteous (unsaved) are identified by their hateful speech (gossip either starts with hate or results in hate) 2. The righteous (saved) are identified by their pure speech (one of the ways they fear the Lord) 3. Some of the greatest hurt/pain in life is inflicted by evil tone/words 4. Gossip is hard to stop – once it gets going, it often spreads to poison numerous people 5. We often hurt the greatest…the people we love the most (our family/church family) 6. We are to not be close friends with gossipers/slanders, but rather we are to be holy (separate) 7. Remember that the Lord is a perfect judge and that perfect justice is coming – evil men with evil mouths will be judged 8. Gossiping/Slander, course language, or cursing are all foolish actions (indicative and fitting for a fool) 9. Gossiping is the biggest way to endanger or ruin your friendships 10. Resolve to have nothing to do with gossip or slander – speak up against it (mercy triumphs over judgment!).