Title: THE CROSS / UBF Daily Bread, Matthew 27:27~44, November 23, 2021

UBF Daily Bread Voice Service
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Date: November 23, 2021
Passage: Matthew 27:27~44
Key Verse: 32
Christianity without the cross is a shallow consolation to those who are wounded and suffering from the sins of the world. The author puts a spotlight on the cruelty of man and Jesus who is on the receiving end. Jesus, fully inhabiting the frailty of his human body, was mocked, beaten and crucified. Jesus, who suffered so much, is carrying the weight of all those who suffer under an oppressive system, controlled by sin and Satan in its various forms.

While harsh and even painful to see, the depiction of suffering also holds power to awaken the senses of those who have for too long kept silent in the face of injustice. Today, when we see injustice captured in the news or on someone's smartphone in social media, it has a power to lead a movement of change and accountability. In the same way, Jesus on the cross came to unearth our deepest fears, wounds and sins. Whether we choose to face it, run from it, or justify it is up to us. Like Simon of Cyrene, we should be the one to carry the cross of Jesus as well.

Prayer: Lord, I am the oppressor and I am the one suffering. May I face this darkness with courage and conviction to repent and find hope, healing and salvation.
One Word: Carry the cross of Jesus.

URL: http://ubf.org/daily-bread

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