When Scripture tells us that all human works are "but a breath" and a "delusion" (Psalm 62:9), it can be quite humbling. But after the fall into sin, God purposefully submitted His creation to futility and meaninglessness (Romans 8:20), because He didn't want us trusting in the creation, but only the Creator (Romans 1:25).
Christians are not called to great and remarkable human works, but rather to small, humble acts of great and remarkable love. We are called to live in the steadfast love that belongs to the Lord (Psalm 62:12) which He so extravagantly lavishes upon us!

Originally preached by Pastor Kempfert at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Saginaw, MI on Epiphany 3, January 24, 2021.

Sermon text for this week: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Xjm3q94MXJ3ULfRpNh81HYWdp92rhdOL/view?usp=sharing