What is of first importance to you? No doubt over the last few weeks we have been caused to reflect on what matters most. For the apostle Paul, it was the gospel. Sure he addressed spiritual gifts and church order, but he wanted the Corinthians to know the grace of God in sending Jesus Christ to die for their sins. He wants them to know the heart of the gospel that Jesus not only died, but raised again on the third and then appeared to many. Let us during this pandemic remember what is of utmost importance and be thankful for God's great grace in sending Jesus the crucified and resurrected Savior.

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As you are watching today and are in need of prayer we would love to pray for you. Message us with your prayer need at info@ridgeonline.org and we would love to pray for you. If you turn and trust in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior we would love to hear from you. There is nothing greater than beginning a relationship with Jesus. Let us know at info@ridgeonline.org.