This sermon starts by reviewing what the Kingdom of God IS (Universal/God reigns over ALL, Messianic/future Millennial reign of Jesus over nationalistic Israel, Spiritual/Christ's lordship over individual hearts who receive Him, Eccesiological/Jesus is the head over the Church, and Eternal/God will reign forever over the New Heavens and New Earth). Then Pastor Chad answered a question he didn't have time to complete last week (why were most people saying Jesus was either John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets?) and (why do so many today claim or believe that Jesus was a good person, teacher, or prophet, but reject Him as Lord/God of their lives?). The proposition statement/main points was/were: 5 KEYS to understanding exactly how to enter the Kingdom of God - 1. The key to how to enter the Kingdom of God is NOT naturally or commonly known or discoverable (Matthew 16:13-14). 2. The key to entering the Kingdom is Jesus Christ and our confession of Him/inclusion with Him in His life, death, and resurrection (Matthew 16:15-16). 3. The Key to entering the Kingdom came from heaven (God the Father) and is supernatural not earthly in origin (Matthew 16:17). 4. The key established the Apostles like Peter and Elders/human leadership through which God proxies/excercises His authority/lordship over His church (Matthew 16:18). 5. The Key (Jesus and our Confession of Him) is precisely how we gain entrance into heaven/ the Kingdom of God and how we become part of the universal church/body of Christ (Matthew 16:19). The conclusion of the sermon reviewed most of the instances of the good "confession" in the New Testament and challenged the audience if they had assurance that they personally possess the key to the Kingdom by asking each one if they have ever publicly confessed Jesus to be the Christ and their personal Lord like Peter did in this passage. About about you? Have you every publically confessed/asked Jesus to be your personal Savior and LORD/living God (Romans 10:9-13)?