Tim considers what Jesus means in Matthew 5 verse 19 when He says, "whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven..."

????MP3: https://illbehonest.com/download/questions/the-law-fulfilled-in-christ-apt.mp3

View on I'll Be Honest: https://illbehonest.com/the-law-fulfilled-in-christ

→ Preached at https://gfmanchester.com in Manchester, England.

0:00 - Question on Matthew 5.19
3:55 - Considering the Context
9:35 - What is "the law" and "the prophets"?
13:19 - Jesus is not speaking of imputed righteousness.
17:23 - Under Moses, what were the greatest commandments?
20:37 - Some try to explain away certain commandments of the Old Testament.
29:43 - Considering the "golden rule" in Matthew 7.
34:30 - What terms does the Bible talk about a moral law?
36:30 - Romans 13.8, "owe no one, anyone, except to love each other"
39:11 - Is "love" a cheap word? Does love not have a good sound in some people's minds?
40:48 - Consider love in John 13.
46:12 - Colossians 3.14 "put on love".
47:43 - James 2.8, fulling the royal law.
51:20 - Romans Chapter 8 - practical righteousness.
57:30 - Where does it stop?
1:02:05 - The apostles spiritualize the Mosaic law.
1:04:50 - Observe the shadows in the fullness.
1:09:43 - Recognize that Christ came to fulfill the law and redeem a people whose lives will be filled with obedience because they are empowered by His Spirit.
1:12:11 - Closing with questions from those on the Zoom call.