Dr. Jordan Rogers continues preaching verse-by-verse through The Gospel of John in this sermon from John 3:31-36 entitled, “The Superiority of Jesus.”

John’s purpose in John 3:31-36 is to record his or John the Baptist’s explanation as to why it is necessary for John to decrease and Christ to increase, as he said in John 3:29. He explains that Christ’s testimony is superior to his because Christ bears witness to what He has seen with His own eyes and heard with His own ears. Jesus is from heaven, from above, and all others are from earth. The one who is from above is necessarily above all. Moreover, His testimony is of eternal significance, such that anyone who believes and obeys Him will be granted eternal life, but those who refuse to obey Him remain under the just condemnation of God’s wrath.

The following is a sermon on John 3:31-36, and below you will find the video recording and a sermon outline to help you follow along as you watch. I hope this study tool helps you grow in your love for the Lord Jesus and in your obedience to Him.

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Sermon Title: “The Superiority of Jesus”

Text: John 3:31-36

Sermon Summary: Jesus is superior to all because of His heavenly origin, Divine insight, and sovereign authority.


vs.31—Jesus’ Origin

Reason #1: Jesus is superior to all because He is heavenly and Divine.

vs.32-34—Jesus’ Insight

Reason #2: Jesus is superior to all because of His firsthand knowledge of God’s will and Word.

vs.35-36—Jesus’ Authority

Reason #3: Jesus is superior to all because He possesses sovereign and eternal authority.

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