The crucible is for silver, and the furnace is for gold, and a man is tested by his praise. — Proverbs 27:21

This one is simple, but it could sting a little. And here is why.

A crucible and a furnace are containers in which objects are refined and made more valuable. They are places where value is discovered.

But for men, our crucible and our furnace is our praise. Our praise exposes us. The stuff we talk about the most determines what we value. So if you talk most about recreation, then you value recreation. If it's your career you talk about the most, then you value your career. If it's your kids you talk most about, then you value your kids. Pretty simple.

And the question I have for you today is this — How much do you talk about God?

Stings right?

So try praising God a little more today. Start with praising him in prayer and then praise him before others. And do the same tomorrow and the next and the next. And here's why we should. He is valuable. He is real value. And our praise should proclaim this all day long, so others can his value through us.

ASK THIS: What is one thing you value about God?

DO THIS: Shout out a praise to God below.

PRAY THIS: God, may I spend more time praising you and less time praising myself in what I am thinking about and talking about.

PLAY THIS: Praise God - Big House Worship feat. Olivia Dyer

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