In the gospel of Luke (6:24-26) there are four woes listed in Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount," describing the four heart attitudes and actions of those who are shut out of the coming Kingdom of God (the woe of idolizing worldly riches, seeking satisfaction in worldly things , living to party/laugh with the world, and pursuing worldly fame/popularity). These woes are in contrast to the 8 heart attitudes of those who do get into Jesus' Kingdom in Mathew's recording of the same sermon (poor in spirit/humble heart, mourn/repentant heart, gentle/compassionate heart, hunger and thirst for righteousness/heart that pursues truth and holy living, merciful/forgiving heart, pure in heart, peacemakers/heart for the lost in going with the gospel, and a heart that is willing to be persecuted for Jesus).

In this sermon, Pastor Chad covers the last woe, "woe to you when all men speak well of you," - the woe of wanting human acceptance, recognition, fame, and popularity. Practically, beware of the seeker sensitive movement which is violating and compromising on this last woe -- designing church for the unbelievers in efforts for them to "like us," never be offended, and be pleasing/popular with the unsaved rather than engaging in building a church (assembly of the called out ones) that seeks to worship and be pleasing to God (John 4:24).

The opening illustration is about the recent decision of the PCUSA churches to exclude the modern hymn "In Christ Alone" by Keith Getty and Stewart Townend because it talks about the atonement of Christ and the judgment of God ("till on the cross as Jesus died the wrath of God is satisfied" - wanting to change the lyrics to "the love of God was magnified") which they might offend some people.

Pastor Chad also show several quotes and clips of seeker sensitive Pastors such as Rick Warren and Joel Osteen who seek men to "speak well of them," but by doing so (with their false statements, doctrines, and especially false/incomplete gospel presentations) show themselves to be false prophets/teachers. For example, Rick Warren signed the Yale Document (which affirms that Yahweh and Allah are the same God, and affirms Muhammad as a prophet of God). Both Rick Warren (easy-believism gospel) and Joel Osteen (prosperity gospel) preach a false/incomplete gospel that leaves out repentance, full surrender to the Lordship of Christ, and explanation of the cross (ransom by blood, satisfaction of God's wrath/judgment, propitiation/atonement). False teachers preach a false gospel that deceives people into thinking they are saved when they have not yet fully repented (willingness to turn from their sin/rebellion against God), trusted by faith in Christ's life, death, and resurrection alone to graciously give them righteousness, forgiveness, and eternal life, and have not yet fully committed/made a covenant agreement with God in asking Jesus to be their personal LORD/master!

Thus, whether it is Rick Warren's global activism/P.E.A.C.E plan that leaves out the gospel or his church marketing ideas that promote religious pluralism, or Joel Osteen's lack of Scriptural knowledge and Biblical qualifications to be a Biblical Elder/Pastor (Titus 1:9) revealed by his contradicting Scripture in saying that Mormons are saved and true Christians, the spirit of the age/Anti-Christ in seeking human approval/acceptance is alive and well in American churches. So watch this sermon and heed the woe of Jesus by becoming more aware of false teachers and false churches who seek to be "well spoken of" like the false prophets of old, as they similarly downplay or deny absolute truth, the coming wrath/judgment of God, and continue to beat the drum of ecumenicalism, spiritual tolerance, and religious pluralism. This woe of seeking everyone to like us is part of Satan's plan of MIXTURE (mixing some truth with just enough arsenic/false gospel to keep people out of the Kingdom) since his previous plan of MURDER only exploded the early church under times of persecution.

Practically, Pastor Chad shows a chart contrasting Bible Driven Churches with Seeker/Culture Driven Churches which is a summary from his own experience while on staff at a seeker sensitive church that pinpoints the sin/leaven of churches who are trusting in human marketing/efforts rather than God and obedience to His Word to grow their churches. He also warns of Christians individually going down the dangerous road of fame with plans and pursuits of worldly popularity and recognition. He urges not only a put off of these worldly pursuits, but the put on of the pursuit that strives to please God rather than man. As Ephesians 5:10 says, "find out what pleases the Lord," and as Colossians 1:10 says, "to please Him in every way." So may the Lord help us all to not be like the Pharisees (the religious but not saved) who "loved the approval of men rather than the approval of God" (John 12:43).

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