God spoke to me:

"Before I reveal your heart to any man, I need to be your one true love first."

Right when I thought I was beginning to understand this season of my life .. He spoke to me again.

"Olivia, I have not put you on hold for your husband. There are things that I want to give to you in this time and there are things that I want to birth through you, but I have not put you on hold for your husband. You have been put on hold for me and for me alone"

These words completely wrecked me. I had never felt a love like this before, one so encompassing and that carried so much weight. It was in this moment I realized just HOW MUCH God cares for us. That He loves us so much He is willing to block your path in order to get to know us.

Song I have been listening to a lot this week: Hope Has a Name by River Valley Worship