Title: UBF Daily Bread, 1 Chronicles 23:1~32, 6.24.2020

UBF Daily Bread Voice Service
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Date: 6.24.2020
Passage: 1 Chronicles 23:1~32
Key Verse: 31b
1. David organizes the Levites (1-23)
The Levites no longer need to carry the tabernacle or the articles used in worship. Therefore, David organized the Levites into divisions according to their ancestry and gave them new duties. The majority would do the work at the LORD’s temple. Others were judges and officials, others were to be gatekeepers and still others, musicians. Aaron’s line was set apart to minister before God forever. Yet every role was intended to help all the Israelites to know and worship God.
2. The Levites’ responsibilities (24-32)
Those twenty years old or older were given priestly duties. Those at the temple assisted Aaron’s descendants. They did everything from purifying the sacred things to making the special bread laid out in the temple before God. Every morning, evening and on all special occasions, they thanked and praised God. The Levites served God according to their assignment and in the way prescribed for them.

Prayer: Lord, praise and thank you for who you are. Help me to be to do the work you have given me to do.
One Word: Serve the LORD the way he wants

URL: http://ubf.org/daily-bread

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