VIDEO DEVOTIONAL on Psalm 8:4 + Identity In Christ Verses...
Have you ever been speaking to someone who calls you by the wrong name? Have you ever done it yourself???

What happens when you are the object of your own mistaken identity. It can happen when we let someone (who doesn't have our best interest at heart) place labels on us, or when we place the wrong labels on ourselves.

But when we learn our God-given identity, it will lead us to our God-driven destiny, as those who are chosen and dearly loved; trustees of His good creation; and adopted into his royal family.

You are made by God for a purpose and this video devotional will teach you 3 IDENTITY IN CHRIST VERSES to help you attach your identity to Christ, plus a 4-step process (S.O.H.O.) to help you find your unique calling in Christ.

To download my 6 SIGNS OF SPIRITUAL STARVATION resource, click here...
#OnlineDevotionsForWomen #DevotionalVideo #DevotionalThoughts