WakeUp is all about starting your day right--with the Word of God and a heavy dose of laughter! Come join us!

In today’s bible study, we dive into our bible verse of the day: Luke 12:32, and talk about the Kingdom of God!

WakeUp #1172
Watch this week’s sermon!
Pastors Jason and Kelli Anderson

Luke 12:32
Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.

The Kingdom of God is in you! In that Kingdom is every good thing! God is pleased to give you the Kingdom of God in all its fullness. What makes Him happy isn’t what you do, but what you receive from Him! But as a byproduct of receiving from God, we cannot help but to produce because we have all the strength of God within us!

A father and mother love nothing more than to be able to give to their children everything they need to live a good life and be productive! But it’s not the actual work that a child does that brings fulfillment--it is the child’s willingness to receive all of the wisdom and help in its fullness! God is just the same.

We were made for the praise of His glory. Your life was designed to be so favored and blessed that you are expressing the glory of God by simply walking throughout the day. Receive it!

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