Study Notes:

1. The RESULTS of those born again.
Vs. 18
1) They do not PRACTICE of sin
Vs. 18
As John stated previously in the letter, he again reemphasizes the fact that
a truly born-again believer does not practice sin.
Here “sin” is present tense, so it is a lifestyle.
1 John 3:9, 1 John 1:8

2) There is a PURITY that can be seen in our lives
Vs. 18b
We often talk about the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer to
change us, to conform us to be more like Jesus. But here and in many
places, we see the personal responsibility for our lifestyle.
1 John 3:3, 2 Cor 7:1, Jude 20-21, Ps 119:9, Prov 7:7-15

3) The PROCTECTION from the enemy
Vs. 18c and the wicked one does not touch him.
The word for “touch” in Greek indicates something more than a superficial
touch; it rather means “to lay hold of.”
Romans 16:20:

2. The RECOGNITION of our relationship to God.
Vs. 19
“We know” means have an assurance.
John has been trying to give us an assurance of our salvation.
Rom 8:16-17
3. The REALITY about the world around us.
Vs. 19b
He has already told us in 1 John 3:10 that everyone lives in one of two spiritual
families: Christ or Satan.
Notice the contrast in verse 19 between “we” and “the whole world.” We have our
spiritual origin in God. The rest of the world lies in the power of Satan.
2 Cor 4:3-5
Eph 2:1-3

4. The RELATIONSHIP we have with Jesus Christ.
Vs. 20
1) It involves the IDENTIFICATION of what John previously taught.
20 And we know that the Son of God has come
John earlier in the chapter stated how we know the identification of Jesus.

1 John 5:6
2) It involves the INSTRUCTION that proves who He really is.
Vs. 20b
In verse 20 John uses a word three times that speaks of reality. It is the
word “true.” In this context the word’s primary meaning is that which is
real, not illusory. It has substance, permanence, and reality.
John 14:16-18
3) It involves INTIMACY
Vs. 20c and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ.
We are in Christ and His influence over our lives.
4) It involves His IDENTITY
Vs. 20d This is the true God and eternal life.
This is a very clear statement of the deity of Jesus.
The Greek text confirms that the true God is referring to Jesus

5) It involves His IMPARTATION of everlasting life.
Vs. 20e This is the true God and eternal life.
Let’s remember how John began this letter.
1 John 1:1-2
And in his gospel John makes it very clear that eternal life is only through Jesus
John 14:6

5. Never accept a REPLACEMENT for God.
Vs. 21

Ezek 14:3
these men have set up their idols in their hearts
1) Idolatry in Ephesus
There was plenty of idolatry in John’s backyard.
John lived in Ephesus, one of the centers of idolatry in the Roman world.
Isaiah 57:3–13 has some potent words about idols.
 Idolatry destroys morality.
 Idolatry mocks God.
 Idolatry disobeys God’s word.
 Idolatry prostitutes God’s worship.
Jeremiah 2:26-27
2) What is a Modern-Day Idol?
Whatever you cling to for ultimate reality and security is your idol.
Whatever you give your heart to other than God is an idol.
An idol is anything in your life that you worship or put in place of or above

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