Sorry is an uncomfortable word. Yet, if we truly understood who God is and who we are, we would understand the necessity of repentance in the Christian life, and that it’s a good thing.
God was faithful and attentive to Israel, yet they remained stiff-necked, refusing to obey. Even we remain stubborn in our sin, saying sorry for being caught and being sorry for the consequence, but not being sorry for the condition of our heart.

Genuine repentance looks like taking responsibility for our sinful position and pursuing God’s glory. Anything less than ongoing confession and repentance is opposition to God. He is the all-knowing creator and there is no faking it with him. He is watching ever single moment of your life, every thought and action, all to be brought to account on judgment day. May we make a firm covenant to live a life of true repentance, knowing we have been blessed by God in Christ to be a blessing to others.