Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?
Tell me, if you have understanding.
Who determined its measurements—surely you know!
Or who stretched the line upon it?
On what were its bases sunk,
or who laid its cornerstone. — Job 38:4-6

I wonder how it must have felt to be interrogated like this by the thundering voice of the Almighty God? Probably a mixture of terrifying and awesome all at the same time.

Nonetheless, for the next four chapters, what God does is hurl question after question at Job. Questions for which he will have no answer. And they are intended to be impossible questions. But they allow Job to understand how he has overplayed himself. How he has embellished his knowledge and righteousness before his friends and thus God.

We learn from Job we have to weigh our understanding of ourselves on balance all the time. Some days we think too little of ourselves and thus underplay the power of God dwelling in us. Other days we think too much of ourselves and thus overplay that we are as great as gods. And each of us has a tipping point on the fulcrum between the two. Something that tips us toward underplaying or overplaying. And it's this that needs constant attention in our lives. We must give attention to the tip of the fulcrum. And we do this by daily weighing ourselves. Weighing our ego's on the balance before God.

Every way of a man is right in his own eyes,
    but the Lord weighs the heart. — Proverbs 21:2

Take a few minutes a few times today to weigh yourself. Step on the scale before the Almighty God and get aligned to his way.

ASK THIS: Have you weighed your heart today? Which way are you tipping? Underplaying? Overplaying (Share this in the comments below)

DO THIS: Get back in balance before God interrogates you.

PRAY THIS: God, help me to find my way in your way. May I lean on you for understanding. Weigh me today.

PLAY THIS: Come To The River.Check out other all Vince Miller's videos and audios for small groups at: https://beresolute.org/

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