God created us to be near Him, to be in close fellowship with Him! And it's been this way from the very beginning when He planted a garden for the first man and woman to dwell with Him there. A true paradise where they could talk and walk and laugh with God. And then sin entered the scene, and ever since then God has been pursuing us and calling us to draw near to Him. That's the passion of our hearts- that we would be a church that draws near to God! As we prepare for a week of fasting and praying, what can you do that will draw you nearer to God? What practices will bring you into greater alignment with His heart?

Eventually a time will come where we will be back to the way it was- a New Jerusalem- "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and He will live with them. They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them and be their God." (Revelation 21:3). Until that time, we set our hearts and minds and bodies to draw near to God.

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