In response to His world-changing Good News, Jesus invites all simply to follow him. In this week's passage, Jesus clarifies for His followers what it means to be His disciple. To say "yes" to Jesus means saying "no" to other things. Following Jesus begins with putting aside your own way for His, accepting the struggles that come with Jesus, and relinquishing ultimate control of your life to receive His.
Reflection Questions:
1. In what ways do you need to accept the invitation of Jesus to deny yourself and to say "yes" to him? What are you saying "yes" to in your life that is a "no" to following Jesus?

2. What cross has Jesus asked you to bear in this season? And what does it mean for you to choose to take it up every day?

3. What areas of your life are you clinging to and grasping for? What would it look like to let go of control and say yes to following Jesus?
Motion Life Students Ministry welcomes home students to life with God. It is a ministry of Christian Life Center in Yakima, WA.

Follow Motion Life Students on Instagram @motionlifesm.

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