Todd, Cooper, and Emma answer your question about 1 Corinthians 11 in this episode of Real Truth. Real Quick. Got more questions you want the team to answer? Email your questions:

1. Always read verses in context.
2. If a woman didn’t wear a head covering, she was either acting in an immoral or disrespectful way.
3. The head covering said “I am not a shameful woman.”
4. Angels are watching us.
5. Angels are ministering spirits God gives to care for and protect us, but there are fallen angels.
6. Elect angels, assigned to care for us, will be troubled and discouraged by our disregard for God’s design.
7. God is not redeeming fallen angels.
8. We are presently an example to the angels we will one day judge.
9. There’s glory in being a woman. There’s glory in being a man. Take joy in the midst of God’s best for you.

1 Corinthians 11:10
1 Corinthians 6
Hebrews 1
Luke 2

Additional Resources:
RTRQ: Why you should never memorize a Bible verse. / What Is an Easy Way to Memorize Scripture?

RTRQ: Can I count on the Promise of Jeremiah 29:11?