This is a rapidly unfolding situation and the hostility against Jesus is evident. Yesterday we read the first controversy narrative where the scribes questioned Jesus actions ‘in their heart’. Today what is in their heart is expressed on their lips but not to the master himself but his disciples. Soon we will hear of their boldness in addressing Jesus himself with their hate filled accusations.
For now we are at the Lake of Galilee on the banks of the village of Capernaum. Jesus’ popularity is evident as the crowds have not diminished and it is not merely his miracles they seek for we are told they admired the way he spoke with authority (1:27).
The Gospel tells us that Jesus is teaching the crowds and perhaps this detail is often lost on us. While the ministry of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark is often portrayed as a healing ministry, it is primarily one of teaching and preaching.
For now the narrative tells us that Jesus, while walking along, calls the fifth apostle, Levi. (also known as Matthew) Levi is a tax collector and just like his four previous companions he is called personally by the Master. There is an urgency in the call which is met with an equally matched response. We are told that Levi “got up and followed him.”
It is here that that the controversy begins for tax collectors were considered among the most notorious sinners and were particularly despised in Israel. They were viewed as collaborators with the Roman occupiers, who placed a heavy tax burden on the people. Because they dealt with Gentiles and Gentile money, they were considered unclean. They were also known to be greedy. They were assigned a region and a fixed sum to collect, and were allowed to collect as much additional money as they could for profit. No self-respecting Rabbi would every associate himself with such a person.