Isaiah was speaking to these people warning them about sinning against the Heavenly Father Almighty Yahweh Most High King and Creator of the universe. When people continue and purposefully plan to perform crookedness, those actions foster a lack of Spiritual connection with the Heavenly Father Almighty Yahweh Most High King and Creator of the universe. The living dead individuals walk in Spiritual darkness of moaning and groping and not finding peace because of serving and bowing down to false idol gods of wood, hay, stone, money, and emotions. When these people worship false gods of emotions, greed, selfishness, lust for power, and love of money, no one has knowledge of what it means to act justly and know how to display goodness. The Heavenly Father Almighty Yahweh Most High King and Creator of the universe is allowing and causing these people to experience Spiritual blindness of darkness and for people not to see His Light because they have left their First Love the One Most High, El Gibbor, El Shaddai, and El Elyon.

Isaiah 59:8-11 -

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