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The message is from the book of John 13:18-30 with a title called Surprising Lessons from Judas Iscariot

Why did Judas betray Jesus? | Judas Iscariot in the Bible

Let’s take a few moments to consider Judas Iscariot. of course he betrayed Jesus and it was foretold in the scriptures so was Judas responsible for what he did and if he was predestine to do it how can God hold him responsible? Lets take a look at Judas Iscariot

First. Judas had one of the greatest priviligous of all time

He followed him for three years,
listened to his teaching and
witnessed His miracles
He was also was one of the leaders of the disciples he was the keeper of the many box He was at the last supper where Jesus gave us the new covent.

Second, Jesus knew Judas was going to betray him he Said In..

John 6:70 Jesus answered them, “Did I not choose you, the twelve, and one of you is a devil?”

He also identified Judas as the betrayer by given him a piece of bread at the last supper John 13:26

What is the deal with Judas Iscariot, Was he a really disciple? Did Jesus chose him and if he did why did he betray him. The old testament foretold there would be a betrayer so was he free to make his own choses? Today on Hot Topics Was Judas Predestine to Betray Jesus?

What was up with betraying Jesus? What does the Bible says. Why did Judas Betray Jesus? what can we learn from Jesus and Judas, and the reason why Judas betrays Jesus. Let's take a look at what the Bible says about why Judas betrayed Jesus.

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