Title: WHY DO THE WICKED PROSPER? / UBF Daily Bread, Psalm 73:1~28, November 05, 2021

UBF Daily Bread Voice Service
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Date: November 05, 2021
Passage: Psalm 73:1~28
Key Verse: 17
Asaph was a choir director under King David. He believed that God is good to the pure in heart. But he was deeply troubled when he saw that those who were wicked, proud, violent, and blasphemous were prosperous, healthy, and easy-going. He began to doubt God's goodness and righteousness and was overcome with envy. He felt that keeping his heart pure was in vain. Asaph's faith was greatly tested, and he almost fell away. But God helped him see things from the perspective of eternity. Asaph realized that the wicked were destined for destruction in the end and regained his confidence and contentment in God.

We need to consider how the way we think impacts the way we live. When our thoughts are consumed by worldly influences, we end up seeing the fortunes of the godless with envious eyes and become full of distraction, dissatisfaction, and despair. But when our thoughts are firmly set on God, we can harvest a life that is full of thanks, wisdom, and clarity. God's people may not have many things in this temporary world, but they have everything because they have the eternal God. We can see that nothing in this life is as good as that taste of belonging to the Lord. We should offer our praise and thanks to God.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for being my God. Help me to get my eyes off my wants and lacks, and to see how blessed I really am just for having you.
One Word: Whom have I in heaven but you?

URL: http://ubf.org/daily-bread

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