In many cases congregations are dwindling because they are seeing no conversions from people outside their fellowship. Church life seems to be in a different world to where most people are today and we need to reconnect our churches so that the Gospel really seems to be good news for them. This talk outlines how Europeans understand life and suggest some ways to make the Gospel plausible and believable for our non-Christian neighbours.

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Stefan Gustavsson is a member of the European Leadership Forum Steering Committee. He is the director for Apologia – Centre for Christian Apologetics and makes his home in Stockholm. He was the founding general secretary for 16 years of the Swedish Evangelical Alliance. Stefan travels widely with apologetic teaching and training and is often involved in university evangelism and public debates. He is the author of six books on Christian apologetics and the Christian mind and contributes regularly to news media in Sweden. Stefan is married to Ingrid, they have three grown children and four grandchildren.
