And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain. — 1 Corinthians 15:14

So this verse is taken from a letter that Paul wrote to followers in Corinth. Paul is refuting the idea that there is no resurrection. And he is emphatic — there is a resurrection. And of course, Paul is perhaps the best person to speak about this matter. And here is why.

Paul was a former unbeliever. And not just a casual unbeliever; he persecuted followers for their faith in Jesus. He hunted them, arrested them, and tormented them. And we assume he also witnessed and approved of the arrest, beating, and crucifixion of Jesus. But soon after the events of Jesus's life, Paul travels to a neighboring city to hunt down Christians, and he has his encounter with the resurrected Jesus. Paul is confronted by Jesus, sees, and believes. And this encounter changed him. He became a believer and one of the greatest proponents of the faith. And the focus of Paul's message from this point was this one thing — the resurrection of Jesus as the validation of the Christian faith. And for me, the fact that Paul believed is some of the most robust evidence for our faith. It's the story of a hater turned believer at the sight of the resurrected Jesus.

And in this text, we can hear the sound of Paul's passion for the resurrection. Paul understood that Jesus's resurrection validated everything. It validates the message of the past and the faith we have in the future. Without the resurrection, every past prophecy and future hope of our faith is devoid of meaning and power. The resurrection is the evidence. It's our evidence and the only evidence. Our faith hinges on the single fact that Jesus died but did not remain dead and got up from the grave. It is the proof that Jesus is who he said he is and that he can do what he said he could do. 

So if you are feeling a little "weak" in your faith today, go back to Easter. Go back to the resurrection. And remember, Jesus is who he said he is and did what he said he could do. He defeated death so that you might have life. This is our story, and this is our song.

ASK THIS: Are you feeling weak in your faith?

DO THIS: Remember Jesus can do anything. He's not dead. He is alive.

PRAY THIS: God, be my resurrection today! Be the victory I need when my faith and message are weak.

PLAY THIS: Big Daddy Weave - My Story.

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