Dr. Rogers continues preaching through the Book of Romans in this sermon on Romans 9:30-33 entitled, "Why Religious People Fail to Receive Salvation."

As tragic as it is, the truth is that there are massive numbers of religious people that will not enter into eternal life with the Lord Jesus. People are deceived by thinking that their sincerity, generosity, charity, service, blessing of a priest, baptism as a baby, or even their membership to a church is what has won God’s approval. However, this could not be farther from the truth, and it is a tragedy that people who believe such things will spend eternity in Hell.

The truth is this: Trusting in Jesus is the only way to receive God’s approval.

In Romans 9:30-33, the Apostle Paul addresses a couple of reasons why many of the Jewish people, though highly religious, failed to receive salvation. First, they did not believe they needed Jesus and second, they thought they were good enough on their own by their works of righteousness. Because of these reasons, they stumbled over the truth that they must trust in Jesus Christ alone for their salvation. So then, rather than Jesus being the cornerstone of their life, He became a stumbling block instead.

The following is a sermon from Romans 9:30-33 and below you will find the video recording and a sermon outline to help you follow along as you watch. I hope this study tool helps you grow in your love for the Lord Jesus and in your obedience to Him.

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Sermon Title: “Why Religious People Fail to Receive Salvation”

Text: Romans 9:30-33

Single Sentence Sermon Summary: Trusting in Jesus is the only way to receive God’s approval.

Sermon Structure: Two reasons, One redeeming truth

**vs.30—One Redeeming Truth: Humble people who put their faith in Jesus receive salvation through His gift of righteousness.

**vs.31-33—Two Reasons Religious People Fail to Receive Salvation
--Reason#1: Religious people fail to receive salvation because they don’t believe they need Jesus.
--Reason#2: Religious people fail to receive salvation because they believe they’re good enough on their own.

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