Yahweh's people thought they were beaten by a stronger and bigger force. The godless people desired to harm and hurt the children, servants, and remnants of the Heavenly Father Almighty Most High Yahweh King and Creator of the universes. Little did they, the blasphemers of Yahweh and enemies of His servants, that the Heavenly Father Almighty Most High Yahweh King and Creator of the universes were working behind the scenes for His purposes. The Heavenly Father Almighty Most High Yahweh King and Creator of the universes were using the trials, tribulations, and troubles to purge, prune, and purity His humble obedient clay vessels children, and remnants into an invincible and juggernaut people. Let us look to the Heavenly Father Almighty Most High Yahweh King and Creator of the universes when we are walking in and through a storm of life and realize He is producing and orchestrating the event for His blessed purpose. Afterward, when we are remaining faithful to the Heavenly Father Almighty Most High Yahweh King and Creator of the universes in our times of testing, He will bless us with the plunder to give to Him as a holy offering and the wealth to the Master of the earth (v.13).

Micah 4:11-13 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Micah+4.11-13&version=MSG

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