Psalm 17:8, "Keep me as the apple of the eye".

Very interesting expression here that we use in our English language today, the apple of the eye. The word apple here literally means in the Hebrew, little man. So keep me as the little man of the eye. This is the picture here, when you look at the person really closely, you look into his eye, and you would see your own reflection there, isn't it? You look into the eye of a man; you will see your own reflection there, in that eye of that man that is the little man, that's you.

The apple, or the little man of the eye therefore refers to the pupil of the eye, that dark part of your eye. It refers to something that is very very precious. I mean your eye; the pupil of the eye is something very very precious. The Psalmist is saying, keep me as the apple, the pupil of the eye. Someone, something that is very precious to You God. And that's how God sees us, that we are someone really precious to Him.

The pupil of the eye is precious, and it is well protected. You realize that there are eyelids, eyelashes, eyebrows, the eye socket and even your hands, to protect the eye. That's who I am in God's eye, I'm someone beloved, I'm dear to God and God is going to protect me.

And so my dear friends, you can pray today with that confidence you are beloved and you will be protected. So the Psalmist prays, keep me, protect me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the shadow of Your wings. Even if we are surrounded by sinful wicked men, we can have peace because God sees me as the apple of His eye. You are precious, you are beloved, and you are protected. If you are in Jesus today, rejoice in all that God sees you in Him. God bless.