Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a beautiful woman without discretion. — Proverbs 11:22

So I could not ignore this verse! For obvious reasons.

For awareness, women would typically wear a nose ring in Solomon's culture. It was worn like most women wear earrings in our time to add a little fashion or charm to their appearance. While women did this, it would be stupid to put a nose ring on a pig. First off, pigs were considered unclean animals. And second, putting a piece of jewelry on a pig does not enhance their appearance. The only thing that enhances the appearance of a pig for me is some fried bacon.

So Solomon's point to his son is this — women with discretion are truly beautiful and elegant. Or if you want to keep the meaning true to form, Solomon is saying to his son, "Beauty is more than physical. It's the subtle elements of a woman's character that make her beautiful, such as her discretion."

So son, hear me in this. The beauty of a woman is more than physical, even though your flesh will tell you differently. And for those who are dads out there, you need to be sharing this kind of insight with both your sons and daughters. Help them to be and see true beauty in others.

ASK THIS: What character trait or subtle element do you find attractive in others?

DO THIS: Tell one person you love the beauty you see in them today.

PRAY THIS: God, may I reflect your beauty.

PLAY THIS: Gungor » Beautiful Things.

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