So let's catch up here. Daniel is confused about the vision he sees, so in the dream, he consults a person who is standing in the courtroom. I want you to imagine that Daniel walks over to some approachable guy and whispers hesitantly to him about his confusion on the matter. Then this guy leans over, raises his hand and points at the four beasts, and says this:

"These four great beasts are four kings who shall arise out of the earth. But the saints of the Most High shall receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever, forever and ever." — Daniel 7:17-18

So basically, this man gives Daniel a Cliffs Note version. It's just enough to be able to interpret everything going on.

And this is how things work for us in our relationship with God. God gives us just enough. He gives us just enough to know him. He gives us just enough to understand. He gives us just enough to know that he wins in the end and that we'll possess the kingdom. But he never gives us so much that it takes faith off the table. And here is why he does things this way. He knows we cannot tolerate knowing about all things. Our human minds were not made to handle the little he showed Daniel here. But we know this — we win!

So if today you're struggling to see your way through a challenge or issue. If you struggle to make sense of a wayward child, broken marriage, or career catastrophe, do me a favor. Or do yourself a favor. Trust God through it. Seek him. Ask him in prayer for clarity. And remember, all this will come to an end. And when it does — we win.

ASK THIS: What are you struggling to understand today?

DO THIS: Share it below and let's pray for each other.

PRAY THIS: God, show me the way through my present challenge.

PLAY THIS: The Struggle.

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