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Epistle to Sylvester of Rome

Epistle to Sylvester of Rome

by Alexander of Alexandria
Fragment from a festal letter of the holy Alexander of Alexandria to Sylvester:

"The true Word of God, the Life, the image of the unseen God, the firstborn of all creation [cf. Col 1:15], our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ emptied himself on our behalf, taking the form of a slave, and being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself to the point of death [cf. Phil 2:5-7]."

Summarization from a letter of Liberius of Rome to Constantius, 354 AD:

"A letter of Bishop Alexander survives which was once sent to Sylvester, of blessed memory. It indicates that before the consecration of Athanasius there were already eleven priests and deacons who had been removed from the church because they were followers of the heresy of Arius. Some of these, although they have been put outside the catholic church, are apparently now holding their own public meetings, whom George* in Alexandria is confirmed to have given letters of fellowship."

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