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God's Grace and Power for Today (Pentecostal Pioneers Book 44)
From the introduction: The emphasis in this little book is upon the Baptism with the Holy Spirit as an experience. We have always been impressed by the fact, and we herein try to prove it from the Scriptures, that the New Testament makes this very clear. The danger and shortcoming today is that we shall become far more interested or satisfied with doctrines concerning the Holy Spirit than with what we are actually experiencing of His grace and power. Doctrines about the Spirit are necessary and inevitable, but the all-important question is not what we mentally believe, but what we experimentally enjoy. The New Testament makes the happy truth clear that it is our Father’s will that His children should enjoy the gift of the Holy Ghost as an ever present reality in their hearts and lives.

Now that so much has been written upon the subject of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit it seems almost impossible to write anything new. Perhaps it is not very desirable that we should. Truth is old, yet ever new. The succession of titles for the chapters may perhaps suggest a slightly new progression of thought concerning this subject. Thank God that the “promise” extends to “today.”

Donald Gee Louth, Lincolnshire, England Christmas Eve, 1935


Chapter 1. Acts I—Looking Backward
Chapter 2. Acts I—Looking Outward
Chapter 3. Acts I—Looking Upward
Chapter 4. Acts II—It Happened!
Chapter 5. Acts X—It Happened Again
Chapter 6. Acts XIX—And On, and On
Chapter 7. Hebrews XIII, 8—“And Today”
Kindle Edition, 48 pages

Published March 19th 2014 by Revival Library

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