Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Painting by: Chas Anderson My grandmother had a painting in the hallway of her house that captivated my attention on more than one occasion. I would stand there and study the details of it, thinkin…
Mark Brady,
What We Learn from Enoch’s Walk with God
Blog by Greg Laurie – “What We Learn from Enoch’s Walk with God” – The Bible talks about a man named Enoch who walked with God all the way to Heaven.
Greg Laurie,
Jesus Gives You Real Life | Good News Unlimited
Jesus Gives You Real Life - Eternally - Believers may die an earthly death, Jesus counts it merely as a sleep & you're always safe in Him and will rise again!
Eliezer Gonzalez,
When The Son Of Man Comes
Did you ever try to take a picture of lightning? You have got to be fast and chances are you’ll probably miss the shot. That is how fast it will be when the S
Robin McKinley,
Why live one day at a time? - Raising Zion
There are many logical and natural reasons why we need to live one day at a time in this world. What does it really mean for a believer during this wilderness journey of life? I want to share three reasons why we must live one day at a time. To Overcome Anxiety Take therefore no […]
Nehemiah Zion,
Living Every Day with Confident Anticipation: Christ is Coming!
In a world cursed by sin, how can we live every day in confident anticipation of Christ’s present power and future coming?
Jason Davis,
Thinking Biblically about Our Bodies
Before Satan slithered toward God’s first children, before they disobeyed God and sinned, before death entered into our nature, before God’s perfect picture of shalom was shattered, Adam and Eve had bodies. Bodies are not a result of the fall; broken bodies are.
Jason Davis,
Second coming of Jesus- When will Jesus come back?
John 14:1-3; God’s Word teaches: That the Rapture (commonly referred to as the first phase or stage of the SECOND COMING OF CHRIST) is the catching away from the earth, of all living saints and a…
Babatope Babalobi,
History of the very recent origin of the Pretribulation rapture and Dispensationalism
First, a few Bible verses to show that pretribulation doesn’t work Matthew 24:29IMMEDIATELY AFTER the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her ligh…
Annika Björk,
First Fruits: An Offering Out of Faith
Many Believers have decided to return to the Biblical roots of their faith, including celebrating the Biblical Feasts. Just after Passover and during the Feast of Unleavene…
Holly Eastburg,

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