Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
The Gospel in New Contexts
When I was just an undergraduate student studying ancient Greek, my professor explained that he had learned ancient Greek while studying at a university in Germany. Consequently, he often had to translate English sentences into German in his head before translating them successfully into ancient Greek. This process of “double translation” is very much like what every person attempts when they share the gospel. While the gospel is timeless and changeless, we each learned the gospel while mired…
Cole Feix,
How Is Your Zest For This Life? - Raising Zion
We are so passionate when we need to be, right? While passion is great, if it isn’t directed in light of the Word of God then we are living a dangerous life. Sometimes our passion get’s the better of us when we end up biting more than we can chew. Limited beings as we are, […]
Nehemiah Zion,
Christ Plus Nothing
Some years ago I was invited to present the gospel to a group of actors and actresses at a Hollywood hotel. That was a different environment for me, but I was thankful for the opportunity to represent Christ to them. I talked for about forty-five minutes, then challenged the people to trust Christ for salvation.
John MacArthur,
A church “in God”? What’s that?
One of the earliest references to the church describes it as a people “in God.” What does that mean? And how does it help us understand our identity and mission?
Allen Browne,
God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit raised JESUS up from the dead – quickening
Water, ice, steam, fog, dew – several forms of the same essence The godhead (God) which is ONE contains three persons (God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit), but Jesus Christ has express…
Annika Björk,
Election Unto Salvation — House of David Ministries
Christ's death, burial, resurrection, and ascension reveal many purposes in God’s unfolding restoration of humanity and His creation. God entered this world in the likeness of human flesh and the person of the Holy Spirit to bring about man’s complete rebirth and transformation. God’s provisions for
Eric M. Teitelman,

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