Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
What is the Word of God for me today?
By Babatope Babalobi As you seek the word of God today, the book of first Thessalonians outlines, what we happen to you, your family, bu…
Babatope Babalobi,
The gospel: a summary
(Photo: Unsplash) You’ve asked for a short gospel summary. How does this sound? The gospel is the good news that God’s anointed (Christ) is our global leader (Lord). The gospel is: Jesus Christ is Lord. This is God’s gospel. When those who claimed to be in power crucified the glorious...
Allen Browne,
The gospel: a summary
How would you summarize God’s good news?
Allen Browne,
The gospel of God (Matthew 17:5)
Did God announce the gospel? What does it sound like when he proclaims it? God’s gospel is a thing (Mark 1:14; Romans 1:1; 15:16; 2 Corinthians 11:7; 1 Thessalonians 2:2, 8-9; 1 Peter 4:17). If you think the gospel is God making a statement about you (“I forgive your personal...
Allen Browne,
What’s the good news in the New Testament?
What is the gospel? Ask many people in our churches and they’ll tell you it’s about how you get saved, by asking God to forgive your sins. Would it surprise you to know that that’s not what the gos…
Allen Browne,

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