Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
When Friendships Turn Into Situationships Part III (Balance) - Intercession For A Generation Blog
Don’t get me wrong! God does send men into the lives of women who are still single and waiting on him to act as brothers. Brothers encourage, protect, and aff
Russelyn Williams,
23 Guidelines to Protect Your Purity in Dating - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
The following guidelines can help you maintain a walk with God and guard your purity.
Randy Alcorn,
Can only the ELDERS in the church heal the sick? – Jas. 5:14
The gift of healing, available only for some? Some Christians do not believe that the spiritual gifts (such as healing, speaking in tongues, interpreting tongues, etc) are meant for today, and othe…
Annika Björk,
Can only the ELDERS in the church heal the sick? – Jas. 5:14
The gift of healing, available only for some? Some Christians do not believe that the spiritual gifts (such as healing, speaking in tongues, interpreting tongues, etc) are meant for today, and othe…
Annika Björk,

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