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Three words
By Elizabeth Prata No matter how crazy the world gets, chaotic, illogical, or unsafe, yet in Christ there are three words: Reconciliation: For we know that if the tent that is our earthly home is d…
Elizabeth Prata,
Encouragement in Christ
By Elizabeth Prata I was reading Genesis 24. It was about Abraham’s servant Eliezer being charged by Abraham to go to his homeland to get a bride for Isaac. And Eliezer met Rebekah at the wel…
Elizabeth Prata,
The Servant Leader Works Hard
This post was originally published in March 2019.–ed. Is pastoral ministry a haven for people who want to avoid hard work? It can certainly appear that way to the casual observer, who only ever sees his pastor in action for two hours every Sunday. But that perception couldn’t be further from the truth when it
John MacArthur,
Do Christians Want Freedom of Speech?
Faith must reach every area of life, and there is no domain where Christ is not to be Lord. However, the results can be difficult to decipher when faith and public policy meet. Recently, Elon Musk purchased Twitter, promising to reinstate some of the banned voices the previous owners had deemed too inflammatory for their platform. It raises the subject of the meaning of “freedom of speech” and what it entails. For Christians, this remains a daunting topic, whether we care about Twitter or not…
Cole Feix,
6 Powerful Truths on How to Be a Leader Not a Follower
How to be a leader, not a follower comes naturally to some people, but to the majority of us, it seems easier to follow the crowd. But research has shown that everyone can learn how to be a leader, not a follower, and use their influence, abilities, skills, and voice to impact the world in
Mary Armand,
How to Be a Leader Not a Follower: 6 Powerful Truths
How to be a leader not a follower takes determination and help from God. We can all be leaders in certain situations even when we feel the call to serve.
Mary Armand,
The last words of a dying man
By Elizabeth Prata If you collapsed and were unresponsive, but woke only long enough to get two words out of your mouth to your ambulance driver, what would they be? In December 2019, Pastor Tom As…
Elizabeth Prata,
The Word of Reconciliation
The gospel message is a general call to faith—one that is extended indiscriminately to all who hear it. In fact, the apostle Paul uses much stronger words thancallorinvitation. He says it is “as though God weremaking an appealthrough us; webegyou on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God” (2 Corinthians 5:20, emphasis added). The Appeal
John MacArthur,
The Reality of God’s Wrath
The head of the department of evangelism for a major denomination in America said, “We don’t need to evangelize the people of the world who have never heard the message of salvation. We only need to announce to them that they’re already saved.” That statement reflects the rising tide of universalism—the belief that, because God
John MacArthur,
Fear of Christ? (Ephesians 5:21)
Is he scary? Fear of Christ is a phrase found just once (Ephesians 5:21). It’s the generic word for fear (phobos). Many translations render it as “reverence” or “respect”, but that isn’t strong enough. In a kingdom perspective, fear of Christ displaces every fear. Old Testament In the ancient world,...
Allen Browne,

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