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5 Ways Progressive Christianity and New Age Spirituality Are Kind of the Same Thing
​Think about the phrase "New Age." What comes to mind? Old documentaries of hippies at Woodstock experimenting with LSD and yoga? Shirley MacLaine holding a cluster of crystals on the cover of Time Magazine back in the ‘80s? Deepak Chopra teaching Oprah how to move things with her mind in...
Alisa Childers,
How do we Recover from a Church Hurt?
It is critical we remember, being a follower of Jesus does not automatically mean a person will never be rude, stuck-up, self-serving, insensitive, flakey, or stupid. We are all guilty of those par…
Lisa Price,
How to Spot a Bad Spiritual Leader-
Bad leaders are a principal reason why even many “successful” churches are powerless to convert sinners and make disciples. It’s one reason American Christianity losing people like rats fleeing a …
Lisa Price,

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