Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
How do we read the Bible? Journal it!
Here’s what I’ve learned about journaling scripture. It’s a lot less about just journaling the scripture word for word (that is actually another practice, hand copying scripture) and it’s a lot more about asking the right questions. To read the Bible for all that it’s worth, and to take the scripture and transition
Molly Wilcox,
Reading Psalms in context
Each Psalm is set in Israel’s story, within the macro-story of God’s kingdom.
Allen Browne,
David’s Lord (Matthew 22:41-46)
Understanding the Bible is all about understanding the relationships. Jesus shows us how with his puzzle about the people in Psalm 110:1.
Allen Browne,
Who is the king?
All our fuzziness about the kingdom becomes clear when we ask, “Who is the king?”
Allen Browne,
Who is the king?
All our fuzziness about the kingdom becomes clear when we ask, “Who is the king?”
Allen Browne,

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