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9 Things Great Leaders Do - Charles Stone
Great leaders do 9 things well. In this post I show how the Apostles modeled great leadership when they solved the early church’s first internal problem.
Charles Stone,
Tradition, Truth And Treason – By Edward Fudge | Good News Unlimited
Once the first generation of Christian believers had passed, each successive church generation shares much in common. For starters, each new generation must
Eliezer Gonzalez,
The power of love.
Good day beautiful people I hope that this message meets you well? Today I want to encourage you to allow God’s love to flow through you, even when frustrated allow the Holy Spirit to inspire the w…
Mary-Ann Oyejobi,
God Makes It Grow - Part 2
In the previous article, we explored the nature and promise of the gospel. The nature of the gospel is found in its power to save those who are lost (Romans 1:16) and actively causes spiritual and numerical growth (Colossians 1:6-7). The promise of the gospel is that Christ has already defeated death and hell on the cross. Now, we live in an “already but not yet” reality. Although written around 62-64 A.D, the book of Acts speaks directly into the life of the church today. The pattern through…
Cole Feix,
Grow in Grace Newsletter: Laboring Together With Jesus, Part 1
By Elizabeth Prata Part 2 here Pastor James Bell is a pastor at Southside Baptist Church in Gallatin TN. He is one of the faithful pastors who labor diligently, outside of social media fame or Big …
Elizabeth Prata,
What is the Right way to deal with Bad or Questionable Spiritual Leadership?
Both scenarios inevitably end in disaster. The first typically results in a large group of unhappy individuals quietly leaving their church and taking their unresolved issues with them. Sadly, thes…
Lisa Price,
How the Birth of Jesus Changed the World-
Prior to the first coming of Jesus people could change their actions but not their hearts. An evil or an unbelieving person was just kind of stuck that way forever. Jesus’ coming changed that reali…
Lisa Price,
How Jesus Builds His Church
By Elizabeth Prata The Grow in Grace Newsletter is written and emailed by Pastor James Bell of Southside Baptist Church in Gallatin TN. Pastor Bell has been leading this congregation in Tennessee f…
Elizabeth Prata,
Disciple-Makers, by Mark Setch
Disciple-Makers by Mark Setch Rev Dr Mark Setch adapted this article from his research for his Doctor of Ministry degree at Fuller Theological Seminary titled “Developing Disciple-Makers: Reclaimin…
Geoff Waugh,

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