Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
A Study of Colossians 1:21-29
A Study of Colossians 1:21-29 covers reconciliation, presented as holy and blameless, from adversary to Gospel advancement, and discipleship.
Chip Tudor,
Would you stand next to a lightning rod?
By Elizabeth Prata New York City. The Empire State Building as seen from the East River. Note its lightning rod. EPrata photo Our teaching pastor is going through Acts. We got to a part where the s…
Elizabeth Prata,
Lower the Drawbridge  by Charles Ringma
Lower the drawbridge: bring social justice home The Rev Dr Charles Ringma taught at the Asian Theological Seminary in Manila and Regent College in Vancouver and was the founding Director of Teen Ch…
Geoff Waugh,
Jailed for the Lord – Paul in the ‘House of Darkness’
By Elizabeth Prata Thank goodness for historians. In ancient Rome during the last days of the Apostle Paul, Sallust and Livy, for example, wrote of the notorious jail in Rome known as the Mamertine…
Elizabeth Prata,
Communion, Lord’s Supper: Taking it in an Unworthy Manner?
by Elizabeth Prata EPrata photo If you are a believing, regular church goer you more than likely take Communion. This ordinance established by Jesus involves eating the bread and drinking the wine.…
Elizabeth Prata,
Interpreting the Weather - Emmanuel Baptist Church
In Jonah chapter 1, Jonah ran into a terrible storm on the Mediterranean Sea. It was so bad it threatened to break up the ship (Jonah 1:4). The sailors were desperate, even throwing their cargo overboard to try to save themselves (Jonah 1:5). They expected to die (Jonah 1:6). All this because of Jonah’s disobedience.
Chris Hutchison,

Group of Brands