Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Why we all need to read the Bible (and how to get started) | Christie Thomas
Do we avoid the Bible because we have read it and found it wanting, or because we have never read it the right way?
Christie Thomas,
The Real Law Of Attraction
All of creation longs for unity. It is evident everywhere. Gravity is evidence of it. What we experience as ‘falling’ is actually the attraction between earth and our physical bodies. All matter is…
Matik Nicholls,
Explaining The Bible To A Child...Starting With Jesus - Little Shoots, Deep Roots
Explaining the Bible to a child (or teaching the Bible to a child) can seem tricky, but it gets easier when you start near the end: with Jesus.
Christie Thomas,
True believers, in the land of Oz
How are we doing with representing God’s kingdom in Australia?
Allen Browne,
The Fruits of the Spirit for Kids - a Gospel-Centered Approach
The fruits of the Spirit for kids aren’t about character training or good morals…they’re about the Gospel.
Christie Thomas,
Who Is God Really? [Building a Firm Foundation]
Ready to rebuild? Let’s get started! “Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you
Michelle Spadafora,
New Jerusalem, Consummate Newness (3)
New Jerusalem, the consummation of every positive matter in the Bible, is the consummate newness in the Bible. Besides the “new” matters touched previously, New Jerusalem is eternal reality of the …
Don Martin,
Conformed to the Image of God’s Firstborn Son
Two posts last month presented six steps to New Jerusalem based on Romans 8:29-30. One of these steps is conformation to the image of God’s Firstborn Son. New Jerusalem is the ultimate issue …
Don Martin,
Is the Gender Madness Sweeping our World Really an Attack on God and His Goodness?
). Rejecting the obvious is how our culture has ended up with the gender-unicorn (yes, it’s a real thing) and an oversized flow chart identifying 63 different genders (another real thing), it’s als…
Lisa Price,
The Name of God—YHVH — House of David Ministries
God’s name is the most frequently used noun in the Hebrew Bible, occurring over 6,800 times. It is spelled with only four consonants: Yud , Hey , Vav , Hey (יְהוָה), and is called the “Four-Letter” name of God, or the “Tetragrammaton” in Greek. This is God’s written name because He is the Word
Eric M. Teitelman,

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