Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Set your mind on things above- a Christian meditation
Christian meditation exercise, what is your mind “set” on? Walk through your day seated next to Jesus. Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.
Gina Williamson,
Caterpillar or Butterfly Eyes?  Plus, Prayer Exercise.
Caterpillars have 6 sets of “simple” eyes, only able to distinguish between variations of light, unable to see detail or color. When transformed into a butterfly, they are given an extra set of…
Gina Williamson,
Four Resurrection Realities for the Christ Follower - Damon J. Gray
The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead holds profound meaning for, and leaves a deep and abiding imprint on the life of a Christ-follower. In just a few days, the believing community around the world will celebrate what I hold to be the core reality of the Christian faith – the resurrection of Jesus from the…
Damon J. Gray,
20 Bible Verses to Make Your Resurrection Sunday More Meaningful
May the following 20 New Testament verses not only inspire you in your daily walk but also provide fuel for your faith each and every day. May God be glorified through the outpouring of His Spirit.
Chris Carpenter,
Christian messages for Christma
The Curriculum Vitae of Jesus Christ Address: Ephesians 1:20 Phone: Romans 10:13 Website: The Bible. Keywords: Christ, Lord, Savior and Jesus My name is Jesus -The Christ. Many call me Lord! I̵…
Babatope Babalobi,
Blog Archives
On Wednesday night, I took someone to emergency and saw much more than I wanted to see. Was there for a total of 7 hours. ER was very busy upon check in, so we were brought to "overflow". This...
Gina Williamson,
Three decrees that gave Christ authority (Psalm 110)
How much of Psalm 110 did Jesus have in mind when he quoted the first verse?
Allen Browne,
Every Kingdom Divided — House of David Ministries
Yeshua said: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand?” (Matthew 12:25-26) . Yeshua was speaking to the Jewish leaders in th
Eric M. Teitelman,
Every Kingdom Divided — House of David Ministries
Yeshua said: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand?” (Matthew 12:25-26) . Yeshua was speaking to the Jewish leaders in th
Eric M. Teitelman,
In the Trinity doctrine, God is three Persons in one Being, but Jesus is not God.
The Bible consistently distinguishes between God and Jesus. For example, God is invisible but Jesus is visible.
Andries Jacobus van Niekerk,

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